

BabySigns.com - Sign Language for Babies

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Think you can’t afford a Doula?

Think again. Our services are available on a sliding scale for those with true need, and are available at a nominal fee to women thinking of placing a child for adoption, as long as they are already working with a reputable adoption agency.

GIJoeyBundling services- If you decide to bundle services, we will give you a 10 % discount on pre-natal and /or postpartum services, if you book the birth with us.

Some insurance companies will reimburse for Doula services, as the likelihood of needing more invasive procedures is reduced drastically by the presence of professional labor support.  Check with your insurance company, and contact us for supporting research and other documentation if needed.

We offer a significant discount to active duty Military families, and services at a nominal fee to women whose husbands are serving overseas.

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BabySigns.com - Sign Language for Babies